Patamali Aims to Reshape Real Estate Financing in Kenya through DeFi

Patamali Aims to Reshape Real Estate Financing in Kenya through DeFi

With ambitions to revolutionise the traditionally illiquid real estate market, Kenya’s Patamali is harnessing the power of Decentralized Finance (DeFi). Founded in November 2021 by visionaries Laura Omanga and Allan Musomba Mulei, the company has made significant strides by building its platform on the Celo blockchain.

Unique Approach to Tokenization and Liquidity

Patamali’s innovative business model involves tokenizing real estate assets into Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). These NFTs are then locked into liquidity pools, granting immediate capital access to asset originators. This ingenuity not only introduces liquidity into the market, but also offers transparency, efficiency, and security to all transactions.

A Broad Spectrum of Target Market

The platform caters to a diverse range of market participants, from real estate developers and Small-Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to individual asset originators. At the same time, it appeals to investors in the DeFi space looking for diversified investment options. Patamali token (PML) holders get a say in the platform’s development via voting rights and may also earn rewards.

An Innovative Income Generation Model

Patamali has a multifaceted income generation approach. It profits from asset origination fees, borrower interest, and management fees. The platform’s remarkable uptake since its inception, coupled with positive market feedback, affirms the effectiveness of this model. Furthermore, it recently secured funding from the Tao Architects Foundation grant program, which will aid in its platform development.

Continuous Innovation and Improvement

Patamali’s team remains committed to delivering unparalleled value to its users. It’s dedicated to perpetuating its culture of innovation and continuous improvement to maintain its edge in the rapidly evolving DeFi landscape. In summary, Patamali’s bold initiative in Kenya represents a significant stride in reshaping real estate financing, setting the stage for a revolutionary future in the industry through DeFi.

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